Theory beyond theoría. The poststructuralist movement


  • Sergio Tonkonoff Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales – UBA CONICET



Posestructuralismo, Teoría social, Diferencia, Sistema


The paper presents a general reading of poststructuralism describing it as a heterogeneous set of theories about the social, the political and the subjective that had structuralism, Freudism and Marxism as complex references. We propose to characterize poststructuralism by its “torsion” of these references, and to distinguish two great stages in the development of its investigations: one linked to the affirmation of radical difference and the criticism of totalizing conceptions of system, and the other one linked to the reconceptualization of systems as multiplicities or not-wholes.In this work we will mainly focus on the first stage, and we will only outline some keyelements for understanding the second one.


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