Derecho, Estado y Religión <p>Derecho, Estado y Religión (DER) is the academic journal of the Center for Studies in Law and Religion at River Plate Adventist University. As such, and within a framework of broad academic freedom, DER shares the fundamental principles of the Center: that religious freedom and conscience is an inalienable human right; as such, that right must be equal for all; that right finds greater protection when Church and State are separated. Within this framework, a central concern of DER is the study of the legal and social mechanisms to protect religious minorities. The aim of the publication is to provide an academic forum in which experts in law, religion, and related disciplines from around the world share the results of their research and reflections. Only the authors are responsible about the opinions expressed in articles, notes and other communications.</p> Centro de Estudios sobre Derecho y Religión (IRLA - UAP) es-ES Derecho, Estado y Religión 2469-0465 <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p> <p>a) Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="" target="_new">Creative Commons Attribution License</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</p> <p>b) Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</p> Editorial Adrián Hugo Maldonado Copyright (c) 2023 Derecho, Estado y Religión 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 8 8 ¿Vive la liberté? Un futuro incierto para la libertad religiosa en Francia <p>Traducido por Zoe Meier</p> Alexis Artaud de La Ferriere Copyright (c) 2023 Derecho, Estado y Religión 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 8 8 195 202 ¿Un paso demasiado lejos? <p>Traducido por Ruth Abril</p> Alan J. Reinach Nicolás P. Miller Copyright (c) 2023 Derecho, Estado y Religión 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 8 8 203 218 ¿Libertad para tuitear? <p>Traducido por Ruth Abril</p> Jason Thacker Copyright (c) 2023 Derecho, Estado y Religión 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 8 8 219 227 Sumarios <p>Editorial UAP</p> Editorial EUAP Copyright (c) 2023 Derecho, Estado y Religión 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 8 8 231 236 The religious factor in the construction of European identity during the Contemporary Era <p>Presentación Dossier</p> Guillermo Vicente y Guerrero Copyright (c) 2023 Derecho, Estado y Religión 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 8 8 1 4 Secularism in France: The establishment of the republican school (1879-1905) <p>Secularism in France has a long historical trajectory behind it, which was consolidated<br>during the Third Republic when, between the end of the 19th century and the<br>beginning of the 20th century, legislation was passed to achieve the separation between<br>the State and the Catholic Church. The formation of a solid and widespread<br>secular school is one of the main objectives of this modernization process. The legislation<br>and the republican budgets will focus on strengthening a prepared teaching<br>staff, renewing pedagogy and introducing science and republican principles to become<br>public schools into a space for the formation of citizens.</p> Roberto Ceamanos Llorens Copyright (c) 2023 Derecho, Estado y Religión 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 8 8 5 37 Conflicts regarding religious freedom in Spain: From the Restoration to the Second Spanish Republic <p>In Spain, since the Six-year Revolutionary period (1868-1873), the conflict over religious<br>freedom and other secularising measures developed in the form of a culture war<br>between those in favour of secularising the State and/or society, mainly Republicans, and the defenders of confessionalism, who tried to encourage the mobilisation of Catholics to support their positions. The conflict between the two contenders took shape mainly in the first decade of the 20th century and in the years of the Second Republic. At the beginning of the 20th century, the crisis of the Restoration system opened a window of opportunity for the Republicans to mobilise supporters of secularism and anticlericalism. Meanwhile, liberals such as José Canalejas tried to advance the secularisation of the State when they took office in order to widen the social bases of the monarchical regime. In the 1930s, the Republicans introduced freedom of religion and the separation of Church and State, along with the secularisation measures that had been called for decades. This article deals with the most important manifestations of the conflict over religious freedom from the Restoration to the Second Republic and the socio-political sectors that played a leading role in them.</p> María Pilar Salomón Chéliz Copyright (c) 2023 Derecho, Estado y Religión 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 8 8 39 88 For the welfare of the Nation: Anti-Judaism and national identity in Denmark, Norway and Sweden in the Early Contemporary Era <p>In Northern Europe, the search for new identities on which to build the new national<br>states found a natural solution in the form of religion. A kind of “confessional nationalism”<br>was being articulated around Lutheranism in which Catholics and Jews had no place. The Jewish question became such a popular subject of discussion that, in Denmark, King Frederik VI sought to resolve the issue in March 1814 by granting the Jewish community a “Frihedsbrevet” (Freedom Letter). In Sweden, where since the previous century a special regulation for Jews called “Judereglementet” had been in force, a parliamentary commission was created in 1815 to solve, without success, the Jewish problem. In both countries, such measures failed to put an end to a public debate that reached notable levels of tension. In Norway, the absence of a prior Jewish community culminated in the radical anti-Jewish solution adopted in May 1814 in the famous article II of its constitutional text, which strictly prohibited the entry of Jews into the Kingdom.</p> Guillermo Vicente y Guerrero Copyright (c) 2023 Derecho, Estado y Religión 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 8 8 89 131 From antijudaism to German antisemitism in the Contemporary Age <p>This essay aims to introduce the reader from a panoramic perspective to the ideology<br>of antisemitism, focusing on the case of contemporary Germany and Anti-judaism in<br>general. Therefore, it starts with a brief approach to the phenomenon in its medieval<br>and modern stages. The core of the work is based on a double motivation: first, a brief<br>review of what we have considered “antisemitism stricto sensu” in Germany in the last<br>third of the 19th century, and second, a reflection on the persistence of the phenomenon<br>in our days and the purpose of reversing it, seeking to extend dignity to all humanity.</p> Marcos Arjona Herraiz Copyright (c) 2023 Derecho, Estado y Religión 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 8 8 133 192